Start Your Registration

Fields marked with * are mandatory

Personal Details

Fields marked with * are mandatory

Your First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth need to match those printed on your passport/birth certificate.


Please use a personal email address rather than a school or work one. Please do not use your parent's/guardian's email address.


Fields marked with * are mandatory

Tell us your postcode


It is important that you supply both your telephone and mobile number. This is used to communicate important information relating to your application/enrolment.

Create Account

Fields marked with * are mandatory


HRUC will process data lawfully and in accordance with GDPR.

Our privacy notice tells you what to expect when HRUC collects personal information, who it shares data with, information about how long we retain your data, and how to change your consent.

We need to be able to contact you to progress your application/enrolment and keep in touch, which we may do through post, email, SMS and telephone.